Beyond the Classroom

At Braeburn we aim to ensure that we maximise opportunities for children ‘beyond the classroom’.  We believe that as well as enhancing their experiences, this helps them to develop into well-rounded individuals with a wide range of skills that will be of use in their futures.

Arts – music, drama, art

All students are encouraged to take part in productions staged in our multi purpose hall.  We have up to three major productions each year as well as regular musical concerts, talent shows and class assemblies.  Students are encouraged to learn a musical instrument and develop their expertise as members of our choir. 


Active participation in a variety of sports is encouraged at Braeburn Dar es Salaam. PE, Swimming and Games are taught as part of the timetabled curriculum; however our extra-curricular programme also offers a range of sporting activities to ensure that our students enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle.

‘Sport for All’ is the foundation of our commitment to provide sporting opportunities for our students, so while our 1st or ‘A’ teams are selected on the basis of technical ability and performance levels, opportunities to represent other school teams in sports  fixtures will be provided to those students committed to attending after school practices.

Being situated on a tropical coast has its obvious advantages; the warm temperatures guarantee year-round swimming. Our students receive specialist swimming instruction from avery early age, both as part of the school timetable and the extra-curricular programme. The school’s 25 metre pool supports the hosting of competitive swimming meets while the ‘Beginner’ pool offers the opportunity for young or inexperienced swimmers to gain water confidence and learn to swim.


We know that our children are the future leaders of tomorrow.  Our students are able to hone their leadership skills in a wide variety of ways including participating in the student council, acting as prefects or becoming house or sports team captains.  In addition, the Model United Nations and International Awards will, in future years, offer our students real-life opportunities to learn and excel in forums outside school.


At Braeburn we know the value of learning outside the classroom.  This may be through field trips and outdoor adventure trips, or simply taking lessons outside.  We aim to ensure that each term, children will have at least one educational trip and from Year 3 up, one residential trip per year.  

Community Service

Students at Braeburn Dar es Salaam are encouraged to consider those less fortunate than themselves and to

do something to make a positive difference to the lives of others. They are also made aware of the environment we all inhabit and the animals and plants that share our globe and are encouraged to make a positive difference to this shared resource. Therefore community service features prominently at our school. 

Careers guidance

In the High School, careers’ guidance will be given to Braeburn students to assist them in making informed decisions when choosing subjects for their public examinations.  As in all our Braeburn schools, there will be an annual Careers’ Fair where students can talk with, and be inspired by, a variety of professionals, plus opportunities for work place experience and the involvement of parents at all points in the process.  

Cambridge International Examinations
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence